• December 06 - 10, 2023

EMNLP 2023

The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We look forward to this year's exciting sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, featuring a variety of ways to connect with participants in person. Sony will exhibit and participate as a Diamond sponsor.

Recruiting information for EMNLP-2023

We look forward to working with highly motivated individuals to fill the world with emotion and to pioneer future innovation through dreams and curiosity. With us, you will be welcomed onto diverse, innovative, and creative teams set out to inspire the world.

At this time, the full-time and internship roles previously listed on this page are closed. Please see all other open positions through the links below.

Sony AI: https://ai.sony/joinus/jobroles/
Global Careers Page: https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/Careers/japan/

NOTE: For those interested in Japan-based full-time and internship opportunities, please note the following points and benefits:

・Japanese language skills are NOT required, as your work will be conducted in English.
・Regarding Japan-based internships, please note that they are paid, and that we additionally cover round trip flights, visa expenses, commuting expenses, and accommodation expenses as part of our support package.
・Regarding Japan-based full-time roles, in addition to your compensation and benefits package, we cover your flight to Japan, shipment of your belongings to Japan, visa expenses, commuting expenses, and more!

Contributions to Research Challenges

Commonsense Persona-grounded Dialogue Challenge

This challenge is an opportunity for researchers and machine learning enthusiasts to test their skills on the challenging tasks of Commonsense Dialogue Response Generation (Task1) and Commonsense Persona Knowledge Linking (Task2) for persona-grounded dialogue. The competition aims to see the best approach among state-of-the-art participant models on an evaluation dataset of natural conversation. The submitted systems will be evaluated on a new Commonsense Persona-grounded Dialogue dataset. To this end, we first created several persona profiles with a natural personality based on a commonsense persona-grounded knowledge graph (PeaCoK) newly released on ACL 2023 and allowing us to obtain naturally related persona sentences. Furthermore, based on that persona, we created a natural dialogue between two people and prepared enough dialogue data for evaluation.


Technologies & Business use case